
GlobalMindfulnessMantra is not intended to provide, and does not constitute, medical,
legal, or other professional advice. The content on this site, and through the consultancy
service offered, is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment.
GlobalMindfulnessManta does not offer psychological advice. Please seek professional care
if you believe you may have a relevant psychological condition.
GlobalMindfulnessMantra cannot guarantee the outcome from any coaching nor from
recommendations from this or linked website or blog – these all expressions of opinion only.
By accessing information at and through this site each user waives & releases
GlobalMindfulnessMantra from any claims relating to the usage of the material, to the full
extent permitted by law.
Life Coaching (Including Mindfulness/Counselling/ACT/NLP/CBT/Access Bars/EFT/Reiki
Healing) is not a Psychological/Psychiatric/Medical Service. Life coaching is not meant to be
a substitute for Psychiatric Treatment/Psychological ailment/Mental Disorders, treatment
for suicidal ideation, Clinical depression or severe psychiatric problems.  As a client, it is
important to understand the difference between life coaching and Psychology / Psychiatry
although they have some things in common. While there are similarities between life
coaching and clinical psychotherapy, the major differences are in the goals, focus and level
of professional responsibility. Clinical psychotherapy is a health care/medical service and is
usually reimbursable through health insurance policies. Life coaching is not a health care or
medical service. Therefore, coaching services are not reimbursable through health insurance
policies. It is also important to understand that coaching is a professional relationship. While
it may often feel like a close personal relationship, it is not one that can extend beyond
professional boundaries either during or after our work together. Considerable experience
shows that when boundaries blur, the benefits gained from the coaching relationship are

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